対 象 :学部生、大学院生、教職員、学外者
場 所 :早稲田キャンパス 3号館 6階601教室
13:30-14:30 大石田 真也氏(東京大学大学院)
"Currency Market in China during the Northern Expedition by Nationalist Party"
14:45-15:45 柴本 昌彦氏(神戸大学)
"Learning by Implementing Macroeconomic Policy: Empirical Assessment using Data in Early Modern Japan"
16:00-17:00 Eugene White氏 (Rutgers University)
"Censored Success: How to Prevent a Banking Panic, the Barings Crisis of 1890 Revisited"
Date: Friday, 14 December 2018
Time: 13:00pm – 18:00pm
Venue: Room #411, Building # 8, Waseda Campus, Waseda University
Language: English
13:00 Opening Remarks, Prof. Naoto Kobayashi, Waseda University
Sesison I: Chair: Haruko Noguchi (Waseda University)
13:15-14:00 Randall Ellis (Boston University)
"Movie Theatre Popcorn Pricing, the Physician's Hippocratic Oath,
and Health Care Innovation" (with Izabela Jelovac)
14:05-14:50 Karine Lamiraud (ESSEC Business School)
"Strategic Pricing Behaviors in the Presence of Consumer Inertia:
The Case of Health Insurance"
14:55-15:40 Stacy Chen (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
"Using Matched Patient-Doctor Panel Data to Estimate Physicina-Patient
Effects on Invasive Care"
Session II: Chair: Yoko Ibuka (Keio University)
16:10-16:55 Nada Wasi (Bank of Thailand)
"The Impact of a BIlling System on Healthcare Utilization: The Case
of Thai Civial Servant Medical Benefit Scheme"(with Jirawat Panpiemras
and Wanwiphang Manachotphong)
17:00-17:45 Shiko Maruyama (University of Technology Sydney)
"An Incentive Program with Almost No Incentive: An Overlooked Benefit
of Pay-For-Performance"
17:45: Closing Remarks